

ランニング障害 ランニング






  1.  腰痛(左右差による)・・・例えばいつも公園を左回りで走っていると、外側になる右脚の股関節は左脚より開くことになり、これにより右骨盤が高くなりますので左腰背部の筋肉に緊張が起こります。




  2. 腰痛(前後差による)・・・いわゆる猫背か反り腰かの問題です。どちらの場合も骨盤がロックされて動いていないことが多いので、まずはポールウォーク等で骨盤が動くフォームを習得することをお勧めいたします。
  3. ランナー膝・・・膝が外に向いていれば膝の外側、膝が内に向いていれば膝の内側が痛みます。また、2.の猫背の人は膝の正面が痛みます。 やはりポールウォークで骨盤を動かす練習と、足先を正面に向ける意識を徹底的に習慣付けしましょう。
  4. シンスプリント(脛骨過労性骨膜炎)・・・股関節周りの筋肉のアンバランスにより体重のかかり方が均等に掛かっていない状態が原因です。 当所の屈伸運動で大腿四頭筋のバランスを回復しましょう。
  5. オスグッド・・・股関節の開き過ぎによる骨の転位です。 姿勢も悪いはずですから、そこから治さないと問題は根本から解決しません。
  6.  踵骨骨端症、アキレス腱炎、足底筋膜炎・・・どれも股関節の角度異常から起こる重心のアンバランスが原因です。
  7.  腸脛靭帯炎・・・股関節の外転により、体重が外側にかかり過ぎていることにより起こります。 股関節の外転筋群を休ませ、拮抗する筋肉の筋トレが必要なのです。




 スポーツ障害も股関節から改善、解消できる磯谷療法ベースの整体院  杉並区・西荻窪 鴨下療法所 

I stayed home due to a request for self-restraint by the coronavirus, but I was afraid of a drop in immunity during the day, so I took a walk on the promenade yesterday to eliminate the lack of exercise, but many people run I was sweating.

However, is it OK to continue running without any guidance even though it is difficult to walk?

 Looking at the HP of Achilles shoes, the running population in Japan is more than 10 million, but few people have been running for more than a year.

 Among the people who stopped jogging, 58.9% of those who stopped because of their age or health condition (pain or malfunction).

 I’m sorry that I can’t continue my favorite sport, and I’m sorry.

 Then, looking at the typical troubles …


  1. Low back pain (due to left and right differences) … For example, if you are always running counterclockwise in the park, the hip joint of the outside right leg will open more than the left leg, but this will raise the right pelvis This causes muscle tension in the left lower back.
    座 Sit on a chair, curl up your back slightly, and check the muscles on both sides of the spine.

    If the left side is swelling, the course will be clockwise.
    If the right side is swelling, the course is left-handed.

    In addition, the height difference of the road affects the hip joint and pelvis.


  2. Low back pain (depending on front and back) … It is a problem of so-called cat back or back waist. In both cases, the pelvis is often locked and does not move, so we recommend that you first acquire a form that moves the pelvis on a pole walk or the like.


  3. Runner’s knee ・ ・ ・ If the knee is facing outward, the outside of the knee will hurt. If the knee is facing inside, the inside of the knee will hurt. In addition, a person with a stoop of ② hurts the front of the knee. After all, practice pelvic exercises on the pole walk and make sure that your feet are facing you.

  4. Thin splint (tibial overworking periosteitis): A condition in which the weight is not evenly applied due to the imbalance of the muscles around the hip joint
    Is the cause. Let’s restore the balance of quadriceps with our flexion exercise.


  5. Osgood: The dislocation of the bone due to the hip joint opening too much. The posture should be bad, so the problem will not be solved fundamentally unless it is cured from there.


  6. Calcaneous epiphyseal disease, Achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis … all are caused by imbalance of the center of gravity caused by abnormal angle of the hip joint.


  7. Tibial ligamentitis-caused by abduction of the hip joint and excessive weight on the outside. It is necessary to rest the abductor muscles of the hip joints and to work out the antagonistic muscles.

    It is a sign from the body that there is something wrong, so you think that you need to correct something, but that tends to lead to the amount of exercise and shoes.

    But, as you read above, much of the problem lies in its quality.

    First, review your form.
    Also, if you are experiencing any pain, please visit our hospital once by all means.
    Although we are not a running expert, we will give advice as a hip joint expert.

    Isogai therapy-based manipulative institution that can improve and eliminate sports disorders from the hip joint Suginami-ku / Nishiogikubo Kamoshita Therapy Studio
