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Japan has long believed in the sun Has a very religious view.

In recent years, due to the effects of the expansion of the ozone hole, etc., it has become a trend that it is not good to be exposed to the sun’s rays, but the sun rays are not related to the coronavirus!

I had the opportunity to hear three times before saying that I should take this sunbeam.

The one I heard was very much taken care of Supple shop in Kichijoji, Dr. Osada of Health Gate It is an e-mail magazine.

The content was that if you do not get ultraviolet light, you will be deficient in vitamin D and cause various troubles.

It is a famous disease “Kuru disease” caused by vitamin D deficiency, but I heard that Clara was able to walk in the Alpine girl Heidi because she was exposed to a lot of sunshine in the Alps.

Did you all know?

Calcium does not seem to be considered as something for elderly osteoporosis patients to drink, and research results suggest that calcium plays a significant role in immunity.

It is very important for coronavirus.
While going out may be regulated more and more in the future, we want to be able to take only the sun rays every day.

The second time was from a doctor who came to my clinic.

Dr.and Dr.Osada talked about the relationship between sunlight and the onset of cancer.

It is now natural for women to apply sunscreen or whitening cream to combat whitening and stains, and to shield them with long sleeves and long pants, but they often compare the risk of developing skin cancer with the risk of developing other cancers. I have to think about it.

The third time, a slightly interesting book called Ichiro Iiyama , introduces the line of staring at the sun. I was
This is like “Eh?” In terms of cataract risk, but it seems to be a certain practice worldwide, so it has some meaning.

Anyway, I think it’s important to balance everything, so if you can go outside every day, even if it’s not too long, it’s good to take the sun.
According to Dr. Osada, it is said that the necessary vitamin D is produced in 20 minutes with short pants and short pants.

Improved immunity means that you are essentially healthy Isotan therapy-based manipulative institution that can fundamentally improve your constitution
Suginami-ku / Nishiogikubo-Kamoshita Therapy Station
