股関節・骨盤矯正で正しい姿勢と快適な歩行 礒谷療法×CS60の整体院 鴨下療法所 杉並区・西荻窪駅から徒歩3分
↑ この様な座り方は、右股関節の内ねじれ、左股関節の外ねじれを体に癖付けてしまっています。 このねじれは左脚を長くしてしまい、体重が常に右にかかる様になります。そして、消化器、泌尿器、婦人科系に疾患が起こりやすくなってしまうのです。
礒谷療法ではこれ位のアドバイスは当たり前です。 あなたは、ここまでの生活習慣の指導を受けたことはありますか? これらの注意で体の癖を根本から取り除くのです。 はじめは面倒くさくてもしばらく続ければ、どれも習慣になり体が整うと自然とバランスが取れてきて痛みや病気とサヨナラしています。
体を根本から整えることが出来る礒谷式力学療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 鴨下療法所
As a health method, there are so many exercise therapies, gymnastics methods, techniques and theories in the world.
Which health method suits you?
Isn’t that selection very difficult?
I think that is because the body is generally not well understood why it is distorted.
“Stretch your back when sitting in a chair”
“The stoop is not good”
This is common, but …
“Let’s start walking from the left leg”
Have you received any guidance so far?
No matter how great your gymnastics, what do you think if you spend 1-2 hours out of 24 hours a day at most and the other 22-23 hours unconsciously?
If you don’t have the consciousness to change all your lifestyle, it is impossible to prepare your body from the ground up.
Therefore, those who say, “I have a slight backache, so take a little pain” are not suitable for our treatment.
Even if I went to the doctor, received manipulative treatment, or did gymnastics, it was hard to heal.
Illnesses occur one after another and I want to cure them from the ground up.
I am having trouble with the problem that the cause is unknown even after the examination and there is no cure.
Even if I complained of symptoms, I am still having trouble with the problem of aging.
It is a treatment method that is suitable for those who are serious about their health problems.
This year, those who want to face health problems head-on!
Let’s get true health with a three-legged race of the person’s efforts to habituate the body by correction and maintain it! !!
Isogai-style mechanics therapy-based manipulative clinic that can prepare the body from the ground up Suginami-ku, Nishiogikubo Kamoshita Therapy Center