

トンビ座り 鴨下療法所 礒谷式力学療法 西荻窪整体院 骨盤矯正 ""






  1.  内モモにある太い血管が圧迫されて脚に行く血流・体液の循環が阻害されて、冷え、むくみ、、脚がつり易くなる、体温低下、下肢静脈瘤等が起こる
  2.  股関節が捻じれるので股関節痛が起きる
  3.  その状態で歩く事により、巻爪、外反母趾、内反小趾、モルトン氏病、足の甲の痛み、足首痛等が起きる
  4.  捻じれに左右差があると骨盤が引っ張られ骨盤の高低差=脚の長短差が生じ、脊柱が弯曲し側湾が起こり、神経の圧迫によりあらゆる病気の原因になる(横座りのトンビ足が最悪たるゆえん)
  5.  足先が開き膝がニーイン(内に捻じれる)するので膝痛、とくに膝の内足側副靭帯を痛めやすい(スポーツ選手に良く起こる)


 いかがですか?  たかが座り方ですが、長い期間繰り返せば、この様な健康被害が起こってしまうのです。  是非、今日からトンビはやめましょう!  正しい座り方も覚えらる礒谷療法ベースの整体院  杉並区・西荻窪 鴨下療法所    

Last time, I explained what “Tonbi sitting” is like.
This time, I will explain why the black kite sitting is actually bad.
First of all, what happens when the peach is twisted?
When the thigh is twisted inside …

  1. The thick blood vessels in the inner peach are compressed and the circulation of blood flow and body fluids to the legs is obstructed, causing coldness, swelling, leg swelling, decreased body temperature, varicose veins, etc. </ Li> >
  2. Hip pain occurs because the hip joint is twisted </ li>
  3. Walking in that state causes ingrown toes, hallux valgus, varus small toes, Molton’s disease, instep pain, ankle pain, etc. </ Li>
  4. If there is a difference in twist between the left and right, the pelvis will be pulled and the height difference of the pelvis = the length difference of the legs will occur, the spinal column will bend and side bays will occur, and nerve compression will cause all diseases (black kite sitting sideways) Because my legs are the worst) </ li>
  5. Since the toes open and the knee knees in (twists inward), it is easy to hurt knee pain, especially the medial collateral ligament of the knee (common in athletes) </ li> </ ol>

    In particular, a decrease in body temperature of 1 is extremely dangerous because it causes a decrease in immunity at the present time of the corona epidemic. </ p> How is it? It’s just a way of sitting, but if you repeat it for a long period of time, this kind of health damage will occur. By all means, let’s stop the black kite from today! Isogai therapy-based manipulative clinic where you can learn how to sit properly Suginami Ward, Nishiogikubo Kamoshita Therapy Center
