

礒谷療法 鴨下療法所 西荻窪整体院 体の歪み""






  •  ベルトラインに左右高低差がある
  •    顔が曲がっている 
  •   肩・胸の高さ、が違う
  •  立っている時にいつも同じ脚に体重をかけている(短い方の脚に自然に体重が乗ります)
  •  いつも同じ側の歯で物を噛む
  •  歩き出す、靴を履く、靴下を履く脚がいつも同じ
  •  足の長さや幅が違う


  •  片方の骨盤が前に出る(座った時に片方の膝が前に出る)
  •  片方の肩が前に出る
  •  片方の胸が大きい
  •  左右のお尻の大きさに差がある



 まずは、ご自分の身体の左右差を探ってみてください。  そして、歪みがあれば今年こそ根本から解決していきましょう!!

 体の歪みを根本から治すことが出来る礒谷式力学療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 鴨下療法所 


A Happy new year. We will continue to provide useful information for your healthy life this year as well. Thank you for your cooperation.

By the way, at the start of this year, I would like to do a self-check of body strain.

I think that knowing your physical condition is the first step toward good health, rather than the mechanism of distortion.

◎ If the left and right legs have a strong or weak habit of opening the hip joint, the open leg will become longer and the pelvis will be pushed up, causing scoliosis in the spine.
Scoliosis is a typical example of this condition.

The self-check in this state is …

There is a difference in height between the left and right belt lines

The face is bent

The height of the shoulders and chest is different

Always put weight on the same leg when standing (the shorter leg naturally puts weight on it)

Always chew with the same tooth

The legs to start walking, to wear shoes, to wear socks are always the same

◎ If there is a twist in the hip joint, the spine will also be twisted, and the effect of this condition on the body is …

One pelvis comes forward (one knee comes forward when sitting)

One shoulder comes out forward

One breast is big

There is a difference in the size of the left and right hips

Roughly speaking, this kind of distortion occurs.

And when this scoliosis and twist are combined, the disease becomes serious, the pain becomes chronic, and it becomes difficult to heal.

First of all, please try to find out the difference between the left and right sides of your body.
And if the distortion is worrisome, let’s solve it from the ground up this year! !!

Isogai-style mechanical therapy-based manipulative clinic that can cure body strain from the ground up, Suginami-ku, Nishi-Ogikubo Kamoshita Therapy Center


