股関節・骨盤矯正で正しい姿勢と快適な歩行 礒谷療法×CS60の整体院 鴨下療法所 杉並区・西荻窪駅から徒歩3分
杉並区・西荻窪 小金井 鴨下療法所
It is a continuation from the last time.
The reason why pelvic correction is necessary after childbirth is that you cannot sleep until the pelvis returns to its original state after childbirth
, Because my leg muscles are weak.
First of all, I think that the fundamental problem is that modern people cannot support the pelvis firmly because their leg muscles are weak.
When an princess became pregnant a long time ago, a nanny scattered beans on the floor to let the princess pick them up.
It seems that this was not a mean thing, but a training of legs and feet for easy delivery, but I think that leg strength was also needed to restore the pelvis after birth by myself.
Modern people have reduced their walking and muscles because their lives have become convenient.
I think that if a person who does not have much time at work and has not been able to exercise much becomes pregnant and gives birth, it may be difficult to return the pelvis with one’s own muscles after giving birth due to the small amount of muscle. I will.
(As an aside, after the birth of the Crown Princess of England, I was immediately commented on the television outside the hospital, and I was worried that it would be okay to move immediately after giving birth. It may be that the pelvis is strong and the pelvis stabilizes quickly, but I think this is dangerous if the Japanese, who also have less muscle mass, imitate.
Then, what appeared was the “Pelvic adjustment after childbirth” at the Chiropractic Hospital, but there are some points to be aware of here.
As I wrote, in the condition that the muscles are weak and the pelvis does not return or is distorted, the treatment of just relaxing the muscles makes me feel good at that time, but even if the pain is temporarily removed, as a result, The problem is likely to grow even bigger.
Therefore, the positioning of pelvic correction in relation to pregnancy and childbirth…
In this way, at each stage, pelvic correction by hip correction is useful to prepare the body, but at the same time, it is necessary to learn and practice how to use the body and balance leg muscles in a balanced manner.
━ Isogai therapy-based chiropractic clinic that includes self-care, because the pelvis moves dynamically during pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal
Suginami Ward/Nishi-Ogikubo Koganei Kamoshita Therapy Studio