






   身体の歪みをその原因から取り除く事が出来る礒谷療法ベースの整体院  杉並区・西荻窪 鴨下療法所

 Faces come forward, hips bow, and this happens because the body naturally balances in gravity.
 So why did that happen?

Left Picuture. If you see the face in the photo on the right, the O-legs advance and the pelvis tilts backward, so the center of gravity goes too far behind and the face protrudes forward, allowing the body to naturally balance the weight of the front and back.  
 It was.

 Especially, people with strong trunk muscles tend to have only the face protruding forward, and if the trunk muscles are not so strong, they tend to have a so-called round back or cat stoop with a rounded back.

 Therefore, to cure this condition, you must cure the O leg.

 Right Picture. In the case of the pregnant woman on the left, the hips were warped by the back of the buttocks as much as the weight of the fetus in the tummy, and the weight before and after the body was balanced.
 For pregnant women, giving birth restores body balance.

 Isogai therapy-based manipulative clinic that can remove body distortion from its cause. Kamoshita Therapy Studio

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