

跛行 ビッコ矯正 歩行困難




  • 痛みによるもの・・・痛い脚を地面につけたくないから起こる。有痛性跛行、逃避跛行。
  • 筋力の低下・・・股関節が悪いと(この表現もどうですか? 股関節疾患の方、でいいんじゃないでしょうか?)、この中臀筋が弱くなり、歩く時に骨盤が上下する為に、肩が揺れ、頭が左右に揺れる跛行になります。





 そしてこの先生の説は「股関節がわるい人の多くは2㎝位の脚長差ですので、この程度では跛行は目立ちません。 これに、痛みと筋力低下が加わって初めて跛行が目立つようになるのです。 足の長さが揃っても跛行は消えません」と続けていらっしゃいますが・・・。






 跛行(ビッコ)を根本から治せる礒谷療法ベースの整体院  杉並区・西荻窪  鴨下療法所 

“Limping alone does not cause lameness” This is a sentence from a book by a certain orthopedic professor.

     And the reason is

  • Pain … It happens because I don’t want to put my sore leg on the ground. Painful lameness, escape lameness.
  • Impaired muscle strength … If the hip joint is bad (how about this expression? Isn’t it okay for people with hip joint disease?), this middle gluteal muscle becomes weak and the pelvis goes up and down when walking, The shoulders sway and the head sways from side to side.

Is explained.

My understanding is quite different.

First of all, when it comes to pain, there is already a difference in length between the left and right legs.
Many people with congenital dislocation, acetabular dysplasia, osteoarthritis, Perthes’ disease, etc. have a twisting habit in the hip joint, but this habit is simply an imbalance of muscles.

And because the muscles around the hip joint connect the thigh bone, femur and pelvis, the imbalance pulls the pelvis, changing the length from the top of the pelvis to the sole of the foot.

In other words, there is pain = unbalanced tension in muscles = there is a difference in leg length, so this is not the reason for lameness other than leg length difference.

Next, weakness of muscle is the same as the first reason. Strong muscles and weak muscles form leg length differences as they are, so this is no reason for lameness other than leg length differences.

Furthermore, this teacher is referred to as Trendelenburg with paralysis of the middle gluteal muscles, but this is not always the case with paralyzed walking = lameness.

And the theory of this teacher is, “Most people with bad hips have a difference in leg length of 2 cm, so lameness is not noticeable to this extent. In addition to this, lameness becomes noticeable only when pain and weakness are added. “Even if the legs are the same length, lameness will not disappear.”

This is also ridiculous! !

If there is a difference in the length of the legs even under 2 km, under the influence of gravity, the burden on the short leg is always high, so lameness has occurred and the difference in leg length for those with hip joint disease is more than 5 mm. Become.
(Whether it stands out or not depends on who sees it.

Because the difference in leg length can cause pain and muscle weakness, first reducing the difference in leg length a little is the absolute condition for eliminating pain, walking a lot and reducing muscle strength.

Therefore, at our office, we provide guidance on corrections to reduce this difference in leg length as much as possible, how to spend daily life, muscle training and flexible gymnastics.

For those who are born with congenital hip dislocation even if there is no pain now, those who sometimes feel pain and discomfort in the hip joint will master this health management system as soon as possible so that they can live comfortably. Let’s go.

Isotani therapy-based manipulative clinic that can cure lameness (Bicco) from the bottom Suginami-ku / Nishiogikubo Kamoshita Therapy Studio