

心臓疾患 鴨下療法所 礒谷療法""






  1.  緑線・・・右の股関節を開く事により右脚の仮性延長が起こり右の骨盤を押し上げています。
  2.  オレンジ線・・・右の骨盤が高くなると、体重は左側に自然にかかってしまいます。
  3.  水色線・・・左の肩が前方に引っ張られ、その為に腕にもねじれが生じています。これにより左肩甲骨も前方に引っ張られる為に心臓への自律神経が圧迫されます。
  4.  赤線・・・右骨盤が高くなり背骨はまず左に側弯し、その上部で右に側弯を起こしていますが、この背骨の曲がったところでも自律神経を圧迫するのです。





 体を根本から整えることが出来る唯一の方法・礒谷療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 小金井 鴨下療法所

A little while ago, when I went to a day trip hot spring, I saw a middle-aged man sitting on a bench and breathing wildly as mentioned above.

I had the impression that I was getting fat in the middle ages and that I might have a heart problem, but this is because this way of sitting puts a strain on my health, especially my heart.

In Isogai therapy, we have found from more than 2 million clinical cases that long right leg is prone to cardiovascular and respiratory problems.

First of all, if you look at this way of sitting …

  1. Green line: By opening the right hip joint, a pseudo extension of the right leg occurs and the right pelvis is pushed up.
  2. Orange line: When the right pelvis rises, the weight naturally rests on the left side.
  3. Light blue line: The left shoulder is pulled forward, which causes the arm to be twisted. As a result, the left scapula is also pulled forward, so that the building becomes independent to the heart and the sleeping tree is pressed.
  4. Red line: The right pelvis rises and the spine first scoliosis to the left, and then scoliosis to the right at the top, but when this spine bends, it presses on the autonomic nerves.

In other words, when this person entered the hot spring and his muscles were relaxed, this way of sitting puts a greater strain on his body and puts a strain on his heart.

Furthermore, if the right leg is longer, the function of the digestive system will improve, and the number of healthy people (people who eat well) will increase, so this person’s middle-aged fatness is not unrelated to this body strain.

As I wrote before, when you warm your body in a hot spring, bath, etc. and your muscles are soft, please be aware of a better posture than usual.

The only way to prepare your body from the ground up ・ Isogai therapy-based manipulative clinic Suginami-ku, Nishi-Ogikubo, Koganei Kamoshita Therapy Center
