股関節・骨盤矯正で正しい姿勢と快適な歩行 礒谷療法×CS60の整体院 鴨下療法所 杉並区・西荻窪駅から徒歩3分
上の例ですと、 胃がムカムカするのは、昨日大食いしたせいかな?とか。
原因不明の健康問題も解決できる礒谷式力学療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 鴨下療法所
Will my body get sick without a cause?
For example … p>
Isn’t it easy to think that these symptoms will be treated with medicine, massage, hot springs, etc., and will eventually be cured?
Certainly, if you are in your teens or 20s, you may still be able to survive, but if you are in your 30s, 40s, or 50s, you may end up with a serious illness.
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In the above example, is it because you ate a lot yesterday that your stomach is stuffy? And.
Is it because you may be worried about your work that you can’t sleep well? It is like that. P>
And, if you want to know the cause, you can fix it and follow it and see how it looks, but the problem is that the cause is not clear.
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Body strain is a condition in which there is a biased tension in the muscles, which causes pressure on nerves and blood vessels, which is the cause of the disorder.
For example, in the case of such problems that are difficult to solve with drugs or other treatments …
All the symptoms whose cause seems to be unknown in
Isogai-type dynamic therapy-based Seitaiin, Suginami-ku, Nishiogikubo, Kamoshita Therapy Center