

ばてる 春バテ 五月病







  •  有酸素運動を増やす・・お勧めは会話できる程度のスピードの散歩、今の季節ですとハナミズキ、つつじなどを見ながらリラックスして正しく歩きましょう。

  •  深呼吸・・・良い姿勢でなるべく深く呼吸しましょう。しっかりと息を吐き切ると身体はリラックスして副交感神経のスイッチが入ります。

  •  水を飲む・・・まだそれほど暑くはないので、意外と水分が足りていない事も。水分が少ないと血がドロドロになりなってしまいます。尿が透明になる位を目安に水分もきちんと取りましょう。しかし、取り過ぎは冷やしますから注意してください。

  •  季節の野菜を食べる・・・今ですと竹の子、菜花系、フキなど少しアクがあるものは身体の老廃物のお掃除に有効です。私は先日散歩の途中でイタドリを取ってきて食べましたよ。ただこれも食べ過ぎは注意。

  •  肝臓をいたわる・・・東洋医学ですとイライラに関係している臓器は肝臓です。冬の体から夏の体へ切り替える季節が春ですから、体内の浄化に大忙しで疲れ気味の肝臓大明神。いたわるためには酒、たばこなどの刺激物、砂糖、油などを少し控えめにしてあげましょう。

  •  とにかく姿勢を整えましょう・・・これは一年中ですが、体の歪みは体への最大のストレス。良い姿勢を心がけましょう。良い姿勢は身体の機能をすべて引き揚げてくれますよ。

体を根本から整えることが出来る礒谷式力学療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 鴨下療法所



The other day, I wrote about spring appetite, but this time it’s “Spring Bate”.

In the first place, the word summer heat is common, but there is the word spring heat …

However, since spring is a hot season, you often hear about “May’s disease” from long ago.

Spring is the new year, where there is a lot of stress such as new environment and new relationships, the weather is three cold and four warm, hot and cold, and the burden on the body is increasing as the low pressure approaches.

Stress is stimulating energy, so when the sympathetic nerve becomes dominant, it becomes easy to cause a negative chain such as fatigue, frustration, and light sleep.

Therefore, in order to break this negative chain …

Increase aerobic exercise … We recommend taking a walk at a speed that allows you to talk, and in this season, relax and walk correctly while watching dogwood and azaleas.

Deep breathing ・ ・ ・ Breathe as deeply as possible in a good posture. Just exhaling a lot will relax your body and switch on your parasympathetic nerves.

Drink water ・ ・ ・ Let’s take water properly so that the urine becomes transparent. Please note that taking too much will cool it.

Let’s eat seasonal vegetables … Nowadays, bamboo shoots, rape blossoms, and other vegetables with a little bit of lye are effective for cleaning body waste. The other day I took a Japanese knotweed and ate it during my walk.

Let’s take care of the liver … Spring is the season to switch from the winter body to the summer body, so the liver Daimyojin is busy purifying the body. To be caring, use alcohol, stimulants such as cigarettes, and sugar to be a little modest.

Let’s get in shape anyway … This is all year round, but body strain is the greatest stress on the body. Try to have a good posture.

Isogai-style dynamic therapy-based manipulative clinic that can prepare the body from the ground up Kamoshita Therapy Center, Nishiogikubo, Suginami-ku

