

美術館 歩き方"" 











美術館 歩き方""








 その人、その人の体のクセにより歩き方の指導までできる礒谷療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 鴨下療法所 

Are you tired of walking in museums?

I feel more tired than climbing a mountain on my legs.

This is not just due to the smooth, hard stones on the floor.

There is also a problem with how to walk.

It is due to “walking sideways”.

Although I often teach sidewalking in swimming pool walking classes, this is the worst 10 walking styles that should never be done.

Athletes also practice sidewalking and side stepping, but this will cause less damage if the leg muscles are evenly trained, but otherwise it will be a burden on the body.

As you can see when walking sideways, the muscles outside the thighs are used to put out the legs in the direction of travel, and the muscles of the inner thighs of the put out legs are used to move the weight, so it puts a lot of strain on only one leg.
Therefore, you may think that you should turn left and right alternately in the direction of travel, but the problem is that many people are already O-legged, so it is better not to use the muscles outside the thigh more than necessary.

In other words, the bias of the muscles used in “walking sideways” upsets the balance of the body and doubles the feeling of fatigue.

In the first place, since the human body has a function to go straight forward, the whole body is lost when walking sideways, and the upper body does not move, which puts an extra burden on the legs.

It is difficult to do if it is crowded, but I will introduce the ideal way to walk in a museum with a long right leg.

When looking at a picture in a room like this, if you walk sideways from your right leg, your body will be out of balance …

(People with long right legs are more likely to have circulatory and respiratory diseases, so if you have heart disease or asthma, please try it.)

Looking at the front like a black line, walk straight from the left leg to the front of the picture

Turn clockwise to see the picture

When you see the picture, continue clockwise from the left leg in the direction of travel, look at the front again, and walk straight

When you come to the corner, turn right and repeat this to look around the picture.

If you don’t do this much, your body will be damaged.

If it is crowded and you can’t walk like this, when you go out, do self-maintenance with the home correction method as soon as possible.

Isogai therapy-based manipulative clinic that can teach the person and how to walk according to the habit of the person’s body Suginami-ku, Nishiogikubo Kamoshita Therapy Center



