股関節・骨盤矯正で正しい姿勢と快適な歩行 礒谷療法×CS60の整体院 鴨下療法所 杉並区・西荻窪駅から徒歩3分
腰痛、肩こりは万病の元!!元から体を整えることが出来る礒谷療法ベースの整体院 杉並・西荻窪、小金井 鴨下療法所
Reprinted from the wiki. Relationship between autonomic nerves and organ control.
The autonomic nervous system has the function of regulating the functions of various internal organs and the function of transmitting information from the internal organs to the central nervous system.
Human beings have various life support devices, but I think that muscle, skeletal pain, and discomfort are the greatest of them.
In other words, when body strain occurs, first of all, back pain etc. causes pain due to contracture of muscles, etc., and tells us that “the body is distorted, please do something”.
If you do not ignore the sign or fundamentally remove the cause, but take measures to remove only the pain, the above nerve’s pressure will worsen and the trouble will get serious.
For example, if you have problems with urination or defecation, look for a swelling or lump around the back of your navel, just above your spine.
If your muscles are stiff and you feel pain when you press them, or if you feel comfortable, the muscles are getting harder and the nerves around them are being compressed.
Then, rubbing and loosening it is only a coping therapy after all (> _ <) "Why is the muscle there hard?" Please investigate the cause. For example, isn't your back curled while sitting on a chair? ❖ Isn't the weight on one leg always increased and the difference between the left and right becomes large? I would like everyone to know the relationship between nerve pressure and illness / pain that lifestyle habits exert. There are times when you need coping therapy to relieve pain and pain, but at the same time, if you do not solve the problem at the root, please understand that the problem may change shape or become a bigger problem. .. Lumbago and stiff shoulders cause all kinds of illness! ! Isogai therapy-based chiropractic clinic that allows you to prepare your body from the beginning Suginami / Nishi-Ogikubo and Koganei Kamoshita Therapy Studio