

 インドのニサルガダッタ・マハラジと言う人がその著書「I am that」(ナチュラルスピリット刊)で、『生命力なしには、何もなされない。それゆえ、生命力の維持と増強が重要となるのだ。姿勢と呼吸はヨーガの一部だ。なぜなら、身体は良い健康状態で制御されていなければならないからだ』と言われています。










  1.  椅子に座る時に骨盤を立てて座ることが習慣になっていますか?
  2.  椅子に座っている時に膝が離れていませんか?
  3.  立っている時に足先は平行ですか?
  4.  歩く時、足先は平行で、骨盤が動いていますか?
  5.  スマホやPCを見る時に目線は地面と平行ですか?


 生活習慣を見つめて健康を作る礒谷療法ベースの整体院  杉並区・西荻窪 小金井  鴨下療法所

  I am that” ( Published by Natural Spirit), “Without vitality, nothing can be done. Therefore, maintaining and enhancing vitality is important. Posture and breathing are part of yoga. Because the body must be in good health and controlled.”
Last time, I took up headaches due to postural deterioration and stress, but this teacher also explained the relationship between posture and breathing.

Maharaj also warns of his obsession with what is called health.

 It means that making good health is not the purpose of life.

In order to enjoy life happily, it is explained that health is important to reach the purpose of life.

Why don’t you take this opportunity to check your life again?

Mr. Shiotani had previously introduced that there is a deep relationship between posture and breathing, but it is really important.

  1. Is it customary to sit with the pelvis upright when sitting in a chair?
  2. Isn’t your knee separated when you are sitting in the chair?
  3. Are your feet parallel when standing?
  4. When walking, are your feet parallel and your pelvis moving?
  5. Is your line of sight parallel when you look at your smartphone or PC?

First of all, why don’t you try self-checking only the next 5 points?
 Because it is the basis of everyday life, just keeping it will improve your posture.

Isotani therapy-based manipulative treatment facility that looks into lifestyles and creates health Suginami Ward, Nishiogikubo Koganei Kamoshita
