股関節・骨盤矯正で正しい姿勢と快適な歩行 礒谷療法×CS60の整体院 鴨下療法所 杉並区・西荻窪駅から徒歩3分
体のあれこれ、体の歪みを取り除く事により解決できる礒谷式力学療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 鴨下療法所
This spring is the season when your body works hard to get rid of the fat and waste products that you have accumulated during the winter!
Therefore, we have a small meal and a small drink so that we can help the body work!
It would be ideal if possible … (T_T)
Spring is a new year with many changes and a lot of stress, so it’s easy to eat too much with a quick stress relieving method.
Do you want something especially sweet?
While thinking that it was bad ~
Therefore, let’s utilize the interesting mechanism of the body.
This is a very effective diet for people with long right legs.
If the right leg is long, it is easy to put weight on the left leg when standing, it is easy to judge from the right when walking with the right leg and wearing shoes.
This is a law derived from more than 2 million clinical cases of Isotani-type mechanics therapy, but in fact, the digestive system is closely related to the hip joint of the left leg.
Believe it or not, please give it a try.
Even when sitting on a chair, if the center of gravity is on the left, the appetite will be strong …
When sitting on a chair, turn to the right, pull the right leg back and sit down with the feeling of sitting on the right hip, and look at the PC etc. to the right.
I will omit the detailed mechanism, but anyway, if you always keep the right center of gravity in mind, your appetite will be suppressed, and on the contrary, if you have the left center of gravity, you will have a strong appetite and try to practice it.
If you can clean your body’s waste products in the spring, you will switch to your summer body and you will not get sick in the summer.
Isogai-type mechanical therapy-based manipulative clinic that can be solved by removing various body strains Suginami-ku, Nishiogikubo Kamoshita Therapy Center