



  1.  脚が上がらなくなった・・・骨盤の後傾により腸腰筋が引っ張られて使えなくなってる
  2.  体幹が使えない・・・骨盤の転位(多くの場合後傾)により、インナーマッスルが硬縮している
  3.  歩くスピードが遅くなった・・・骨盤の後傾により重心が後ろに移動してしまい、体を前に運ぶ事にブレーキがかかっている


  1.  脚が上がらなくなった・・・×腸腰筋を鍛える  ◎腸腰筋が使えるように外転筋群を緩める
  2.  体幹が使えない・・・×インナーマッスルを鍛える   ◎インナーマッスルが使えるように骨盤を正す
  3.  歩くスピードが遅くなった・・・×そのままの歩き方でたくさん歩く   ◎歩き方を正しくする




   脚の筋肉をバランスよく出来るのは礒谷療法だけ  杉並区・西荻窪 小金井 鴨下療法所
Not long ago, the loss of grip strength was caused by the front shoulders, not just the weakening of muscles I wrote , but such things are not limited to grip strength, but occur all over the body.

For example,

  1. I can’t lift my legs … Iliopsoas is pulled by the backward tilt of the pelvis and I can’t use it.
  2. The trunk cannot be used … The inner muscle is rigid due to pelvic dislocation (in many cases, backward tilt)
  3. The walking speed has slowed down … The center of gravity has moved backward due to the backward tilt of the pelvis, and the brakes are applied to carry the body forward.

For these symptoms

  1. I can’t lift my legs … Iliopsoas is trained
  2. I can’t use my core … Train my inner muscles
  3. The walking speed has slowed down … I walk a lot with the same way of walking

If you take the wrong measures, such as, your body will become more and more out of balance.

The correct way to deal with these is to balance the leg muscles and restore the pelvis and skeleton to normal.

Only Isogai therapy can balance the leg muscles Suginami Ward・ Nishi-Ogikubo Koganei Kamoshita Therapy Center
