

杉並 整体 膝痛""



 『もう何カ月も膝が痛くて、京都の名治療家の所に治療を受ける事になり京都に行くと、無性に山の上にあるような茶店のぜんざいが食べたくなり、周りの反対を押して坂道を無理して登りぜんざいを食べた帰りに道に迷い腰膝地蔵のお札をもらいホテルに戻ると、その夜に膝は激痛になってしまったが、そのお札で膝をこすり眠ると翌朝には膝の痛みはすっかり消えていた。 治療をキャンセルして帰ってきたがもう膝は痛まない』












 自分の体の不調の原因を知り、最高なる着方でそれを治せる礒谷療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 小金井 鴨下療法所

I read before, Takenori Yokoo’s book “The God of Diseases” (published by Bunharu Bunko) It is a story.

It’s a rough synopsis…

“I had a pain in my knee for many months, so I was treated by a well-known healer in Kyoto, and when I went to Kyoto, I felt like wanting to eat Zenzai in a teahouse that seems to be on the mountain, so I pushed the other side and went down the slope. I forcibly climbed up and ate all the way back and got lost and got a waist knee knee Jizo’s bill, and when I returned to the hotel, my knee became severely painful that night, but when I rubbed my knee with that bill and slept, the knee the next morning. The pain was completely gone. I canceled the treatment and came back, but my knee no longer hurt.”

It’s a strange story, isn’t it?

If you have this kind of bill, you don’t need a manipulative clinic (T_T)

 There are strange things in the world, I know various examples of healing by devotion, and I believe it.

However, I think we can read this story from a different angle.

In the first place, most knee pain is due to over-opening of the hip joint.

Actually, on the outer muscles of peaches that cause knee pain, climbing uphill uses a lot of adductor muscles that antagonize the outer muscles, so it can be said that this is the most suitable exercise for knee pain originating from the O leg. Is.

 Thus, if you can get down the mountain, climbing is a very good correction for people with knee pain.
(Shimoyama, on the contrary, tends to promote O-legs, so knee pain often occurs in Shimoyama.)

However, not only Shimoyama, but the one thing you need to be careful about is how to walk.

Even if you have a hard time climbing a mountain path, it may be counterproductive depending on how you walk.
(There are obstacles such as tree roots and stones on the mountain path, and there are various conditions such as slopes, so it is difficult for anyone to accept it.)

However, the reason why the artist wanted to eat Zenzai at the teahouse on the mountain at this time was “guidance”, right?

An Isotani therapy-based manipulative clinic that knows the cause of your physical condition and cures it in the best way to wear Suginami Ward, Nishiogikubo Koganei Kamoshita Therapeutics Center
