












  無料動画歩行相談で体のクセ、悩みも解消できる礒谷療法ベースの整体院  杉並区・西荻窪  鴨下療法所

 A friend from Germany who sent me a walking video over the day sent me a video taken in bright light again.
You shot it in a bright place so you can see it more clearly.

After all, I am worried about the opening of the toes.
Especially, the way to open the right foot is large.
When I tried to freeze the video when my left leg came out forward, the right toe left behind was facing out and the kicker was moving to scratch it out.

I think this is due to the fact that the stride of the step is still slightly larger and the forward movement of the pelvis is slightly smaller, but the main cause is still due to the twist between the right thigh and the shin. It seems.

Last time, I also recommended taping to straighten the heel, but German shoes may not be necessary because the heel is firmly held.
♪ You also wore solid leather shoes this time.

Also, what worries me this time are the wrinkles that appear on the shirt of the upper body.

It is a wrinkle of clothes flowing from the left shoulder to the right waist when you are in the back, and a wrinkle of clothes flowing from the right shoulder to the left waist when you are in the front.
It occurs when the right foot goes forward.

If it is happening because you are conscious of keeping the right pelvis a little larger by observing the advice from the previous time, it is okay.

However, if this is not the case, it seems that the right pelvis is more likely to move forward, so I think it is better to increase the left pelvis on the opposite side to eliminate the left-right difference.

However, even if you are conscious of connections, if you do not loosen only the fascia but also the muscle, fascia, and ligaments, it is inefficient in actual physical remodeling. ‥
And in order to loosen the whole efficiently, I think that the routine exercise of Isotani therapy is the best.
――Because the body has the strong muscles that are the base of the influence of gravity and are the foundation, there are legs.

However, this time, it is recommended that you also perform Swishow with left-right difference! As an auxiliary exercise in order to eliminate the left-right difference of the twist of the trunk.

♪ Swisho eliminates the left-right difference, the pelvis will move a little more, and please practice walking while aiming to straighten your toes! !

Free video walking Consultation based on Isotani therapy that can eliminate physical habits and worries Suginami Ward / Nishi-Ogikubo Kamoshita Therapist
