股関節・骨盤矯正で正しい姿勢と快適な歩行 礒谷療法×CS60の整体院 鴨下療法所 杉並区・西荻窪駅から徒歩3分
つまり出産により開いていた股関節のさらに左股関節を開いたために左骨盤が高くなり、背骨が右に湾曲して右肩が前に突き出すように筋肉の緊張が強くなったために、右手に腱鞘炎が起こっているのです。 出産後に、それまで無かったような不調が起こっている場合は、こうした姿勢の悪さが身体の歪みが大きくしてしまった可能性が大きいです。
体を緩めるだけではなくきちんと鍛えることも出来る根本療法の礒谷療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 小金井 鴨下療法所
The other day I wrote about the damage that sitting in the bath causes to the heart, but in addition to that, after giving birth and after stretching such as yoga, self-reliance, and self-manipulation, the muscles around the hip joint are softened, so the body becomes soft. By performing a distorting motion, it damages the body.
For example
(The fact that the baby’s hug and the mother’s hand are always the opposite hand with the palm facing up also promotes tendonitis.)
In other words, the left hip joint was opened further from the hip joint that had been opened due to childbirth, so the left pelvis was raised, and the muscle tension became stronger so that the spine curved to the right and the right shoulder protruded forward, causing tendonitis in the right hand. It is. After giving birth, if you are experiencing a disorder that you have never had before, it is highly possible that your body has become more distorted due to improper movement. (And on the contrary, if you are in good physical condition after giving birth, you can get rid of the distortion by loosening your body after giving birth.)
Contrary to these examples, it is extremely effective to follow the corrective movements and strictly prohibited movements when the muscles around the hip joint are loose.
A man I met at a spa before was told, “I have a hernia, so if I get tired and have a backache, it will get better and better if I come to the hot spring and sit properly!”
The same is true after childbirth, and if you take a good rest and get in shape, your body will be light as if you were able to get rid of it! It becomes.
When your muscles are loose, keep your posture correct.
Isogai therapy-based manipulative clinic, which is a basic therapy that not only relaxes the body but also trains properly Suginami-ku, Nishiogikubo Koganei Kamoshita Therapy Center