


 ↑ 礒谷療法の生みの親 礒谷公良先生 








   唯一無二の根本療法の礒谷療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 小金井  鴨下療法所 

The other day, I received advice from a senior at Isotani Therapy regarding the phrase “70-year-old alternative therapy pioneer Isotani therapy-based manipulative clinic” written on our signboard.

“Isogai therapy is not an alternative therapy. It is a radical therapy! Because it is a causative therapy, people can be cured!”

It is certainly so.

I thought I knew it, but somewhere I realized that I had been brainwashed in Western medicine.

I changed my perception that this treatment is the real thing, not the treatment that is done instead of something.

“Maintaining the balance of the body under the influence of gravity” I think that such a simple, epoch-making and effective method is still unique in the world.

Symptoms and pains that are difficult to cure due to unknown causes, symptoms that you give up because of your constitution, and those who are told that it is due to aging but think that it is different, please try to get correction once.
The one and only radical therapy, Isogai therapy-based manipulative clinic Suginami Ward, Nishiogikubo, Koganei, Kamoshita Therapy Center  

