股関節・骨盤矯正で正しい姿勢と快適な歩行 礒谷療法×CS60の整体院 鴨下療法所 杉並区・西荻窪駅から徒歩3分
①脚の開き方・・・骨盤より開いてしまうと、股関節が外転位になりますからモモの外の筋肉に緊張を作ってしまいます。 重心を安定させるためなら骨盤の幅以内で十分です。
③左右の股関節には角度差があります・・・そもそも開脚で立った時にも左右差があります。そしてさらに、左右に骨盤を振るという動作にも当然左右差が生じますから、その差がますます増大してしまいます。 例えば私なら、右には骨盤が大きく動いても左脚にはモモの外側からお尻にかけては筋肉の硬さが有るので骨盤が右ほどは動きにくい、と言う具合です。
杉並区・西荻窪 小金井 鴨下療法所
This movement is called standing, with the legs wider than the pelvis, and the pelvis sways left and right.
▽ What is easy to get up by this exercise…
(1) How to open the legs: When the legs are opened from these legs. If you need to open your legs, you should be within the width of your pelvis.
(2) Those who have an internal twist in their hip joints… If their toes open and their knees enter, or if they have pediatric paralysis, their toes may turn inward and their knees may turn inward. , Exercise in that state may damage the knees, and I am worried that the hip joint will be burdened.
③ There is a difference in angle between the left and right hip joints… There is also a difference in right and left even when you stand with your legs open in the first place. Furthermore, since the movement of swinging the pelvis to the left and right naturally has a left-right difference, the difference will increase further. For example, for me, even if the pelvis moves greatly to the right, the left leg has muscular hardness from the outside of the peach to the hips, so the pelvis is less likely to move than the right.
If you continue to exercise in such a state, the difference between the left and right hip joints will increase.
For this reason, we cannot recommend this exercise either.
Again, the hip joint is pulled by a specific muscle, and the hip joint angle is twisted, causing osteoarthritis of the hip.
Because the weight and walking load that should be dispersed on average are locally concentrated, the cartilage has been scraped.
For congenital hip joint diseases such as dysplasia, Perthes’s disease, and congenital dislocation, muscles are pulled due to the condition of the bones in the hip joint, which reduces the range of motion and causes pain. I will.
All exercise therapy and rehabilitation require healing of muscle bias.
It is extremely violent and impossible to blindly raise the range of motion and to do uniform muscle training.
A 70 year history of hip joint correction and exercise therapy for osteoarthritis and Isogai therapy-based manipulative clinic with over 2 million cases
Suginami Ward/Nishi-Ogikubo Koganei Kamoshita Therapy Center