




 私が「ご高齢の方でも、病気や痛みも無く暮らしている人もいるじゃない」と母親に言うと、「そんな特殊な人と比べないで!」と怒られます(>_<)  でもそうなんでしょうか?  やはり加齢と共に筋肉や内臓でもその働きが弱まるのは仕方が無い事ですが、年齢に関係なくやはり痛みや病気はあきらめることなく、治そうとするのが大切なのではないかと思います。    話を元に戻して、背骨の骨と骨の隙間は椎間板と呼ばれるクッション材があり、骨がうまく動けるようにしたり、骨同士がぶつかり摩耗しない様にしてくれている部分なのです。






↑ 背骨は左右に曲がっても、前後に曲がっても、隙間は狭くなります。




安藤さんの伸長が縮まなかった理由を説明出来、同様のアドバイスが出来る礒谷療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 小金井 鴨下療法所 

ad an X-ray taken after having undergone orthopedic surgery had the first thing that the doctor told me, “The space between the bones is narrow.”

Then, it seems that people often say, “It’s due to aging.”

However, is it unavoidable because it is really aging?

 I said to my mother, “Even some elderly people live without illness or pain,” she said, “Don’t compare to such a special person!” (>_<) But is that so? After all, it is unavoidable that the function of muscles and internal organs weakens with age, but I think it is important to try to cure pain and illness without giving up regardless of age. Returning to the original story, the gap between the bones of the spine is Intervertebral disc , which helps the bones to move well and prevents the bones from bumping and wearing. It is said that aging begins in the teens because it is hard for nutrients to go to the intervertebral disc, but I think that the function can be maintained by moving it within the range that should move properly. for that purpose! !! After all it is to improve the posture.  A bad posture is a condition in which the bones are pulled due to excessive muscle tension and the balance is unbalanced. ↑ Whether the spine bends left or right or front and back, the gap will be narrow. He is Ando-san who was a coffee shop in Nishi Ogikubo, when he was 103 years old, "1 cm from a young age. However, I have not shortened my height." Mr. Ando seems to be said to be a special example, but Mr. Ando, ​​who is 103 years old working hard and enjoying climbing as a hobby, is not our goal? If you do not give up, it is possible to improve your posture, train your body, and change your body no matter how many. Isogai therapy-based manipulative clinic that can correct the posture and restore the spinal gap Suginami Ward, Nishi-Ogikubo Koganei Kamoshita Therapy Center