

腰痛 体の使い方 礒谷療法








 体の正しい使い方も分かる礒谷式力学療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 鴨下療法所 
A patient was complained of pain in his lower back and back while sitting on a chair and moving heavy files from the table to the cabinet.

At that time, I explained that the work of carrying heavy things is done with the muscles of the legs and how to use the body correctly, and the problem was solved by the Isotani therapy, but good data to prove this I found.

It was complained that I had pain in my lower back and back when I was moving from the table to the cabinet while sitting on a chair.

At that time, I explained that the work of carrying heavy things is done with the muscles of the legs and how to use the body correctly, and the problem was solved by the Isogai therapy, but good data to prove this is available. There is.

That is the figure above.

When the pressure in the intervertebral disc in the posture when standing upright is 100, the load in the intervertebral disc in other postures is increased or decreased.

The rightmost part of this bar graph is the load when sitting on a chair and carrying luggage, and you can see that a high load of 275 is applied.

In other words, it is proof that the leg muscles cannot be used in the sitting position.

If you are busy, you may feel lazy and easily carry your luggage with you while sitting down, but for your health, make it a habit to stand up and lift your luggage with your legs.

Isogai-style dynamic therapy-based manipulative clinic that understands how to use the body correctly Kamoshita Therapy Center, Nishiogikubo, Suginami-ku


