股関節・骨盤矯正で正しい姿勢と快適な歩行 礒谷療法×CS60の整体院 鴨下療法所 杉並区・西荻窪駅から徒歩3分
股関節矯正70年以上の歴史と200万例の臨床実績の礒谷療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪 小金井 鴨下療法所
Recently, many people have said the importance of the hip joint, but I think that the mechanism of the hip joint is still lacking in research.
There are at least three important things in that hip joint.
It is well-balanced, flexible, and strong.
First of all, regarding the issue of balance, human beings have to stand on two legs while being affected by gravity against the ground, so the two legs should be of equal length to keep the upper body stable. If not, the instability will only increase.
The very important thing here is why there is a difference in length between the legs! !!
Chiropractic etc. explains that when the pelvis rises, the legs become shorter.
Since two legs stand upright, such a thing happens when sleeping in bed, but it is logical that the pelvis on the short leg side goes down when standing.
Dr. Kimiyoshi Isotani marked the legs with lead and photographed the length of the legs with an X-ray, and found that the tension of the muscles connecting the femur and pelvis distorts the pelvis itself, causing a difference in length between the legs. discovered.
In other words, the change in length from the sole of the foot to the upper part of the pelvis was expressed as the difference in leg length, and it was discovered that the cause was the displacement of the hip joint angle due to the imbalance of muscles and ligaments.
And I also found that many of the causes of this imbalance are lifestyle habits. (All except congenital and external pressure such as accidents)
For example, I always put my weight on my right leg.
For that reason, always start walking, put on shoes, put on socks, and climb the stairs from the left leg, which is not weight-bearing.
Always put your sleeves through your right hand when you put on your clothes.
All the movements of life create such distortions of the body, and the bias of the movements further distorts the body.
It’s been longer, so I’ll continue to the next time. ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥ ‥
Isogai therapy-based manipulative clinic with a history of more than 70 years of hip correction and 2 million clinical achievements Suginami-ku, Nishiogikubo Koganei Kamoshita Therapy Center