









曰く「健康に関して最も大事な事は、まずもって体全体のバランスを正し、自然治癒力を増進させ、少々の感染症にかかっても、自力でこれを撃退せしめる力をつけることことである。 自分の体の自然治癒力が活発になるとは、白血球の作用が活発になることであり、外から侵入してくるウィルスや最近を一気に叩く事が出来るわけである。 つまり、薬の世話にならずとも、健康体を維持する機能を、私の体は、生まれながらにして持っているのである。いわば、人間の身体は、特効薬の製造工場だと言える」(奇跡の礒谷療法 磯谷公良著 祥伝社刊 より抜粋)

 免疫力を高めることが出来る礒谷療法ベースの整体院 杉並区・西荻窪  鴨下療法所

 A German friend told me that a doctor with whom he had a relationship recommended it, and it is said that this HEPA filter is used in all schools in Germany.

Since HEPA filters are also used in clean rooms, collects 99.97% or more of the new coronavirus in the air . Therefore, the degree of security has improved.

Gargle, hand wash, mask, HEPA filter air purifier!

After that, let’s improve immunity.

As I wrote before , removing body strain and strengthening leg muscles in a well-balanced manner raises body temperature. , It brings out the maximum immunity.

I would like to introduce the words of Professor Kimiyoshi Isogai once again. </ h3>

According to him, “The most important thing about health is to first balance the whole body, improve the natural healing power, and develop the ability to repel even a few infections on its own. When your body’s natural healing power becomes active, it means that the action of white blood cells becomes active, and you can hit viruses that invade from the outside and recent times at once. In other words, if you take care of medicine At the very least, my body naturally has the function of maintaining a healthy body. So to speak, the human body can be said to be a silver bullet manufacturing factory. “

Isogai therapy-based manipulative clinic that can boost immunity Suginami Ward, Nishiogikubo Kamoshita Therapy Center
