遠方にお住いの変形性股関節症の方のアンケート 1



    • 初めて施術を受けたあと股関節が軽くなりました。この感覚は10数年ぶりでした。
    • 新幹線で3時間膝をしばると昇降後、立ち上がった時に腰に違和感がなかった。会議の時はいつも一番長い紐でしばっています。・・・脚を紐で結ぶのは股関節をストレッチすると同時に骨盤を安定させ、血流を良くしますから習慣にするといいですね。
    • 睡眠時の脚紐縛りで肩こりが消えたように思います。そのためにサロンパスが不要に。・・・紐結びによるだけではなく、股関節の矯正や他の自宅矯正法も良い効果を生んでいると思います。これも部分ではなく全体を整える必要性の証明ですね。





     遠方の方でも理論が有るからアドバイスできる礒谷療法ベースの整体院  杉並区・西荻窪  鴨下療法所

    This is from a patient scheduled to undergo surgery for hip osteoarthritis.

    • My hip became lighter after my first treatment. This was the first time in 10 years. </ strong> I wanted to do it every two or three days if near. </ li> <!-more->
    • After kneeling on the Shinkansen for 3 hours, I felt no discomfort in my waist when I got up after going up and down. At the time of the meeting, I always use the longest string. </ li>
    • I feel like my stiff shoulder has disappeared by tying my leg while sleeping. No need for a salon pass. </ li>

    </ ul>(The essay in the text will be long, so I would like to introduce it next time) This person came to the hospital with the introduction of a patient who has been visiting for many years.

    When I happened to be reunited at an elementary school reunion for the first time in 60 years, I was told that this person was going to have a hip surgery, so I would recommend hearing it once before the surgery. Before the corona fuss came, the surgery was canceled once a month for a total of six corrections, and I am now working on home correction. (You are refraining from traveling on the Shinkansen and traveling to Tokyo patients)

    If you do not know how to ride a bicycle, how to do gym training, etc. on the way, I will take a photo on LINE and send me a photo of the correct way etc. Even if you live far away, it works well It is a good example of correction being advanced.

    Isogai therapy-based manipulative institution that can give advice even to distant people because there is a theory Suginami-ku / Nishiogikubo Kamoshita Therapy Center

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