Q&A 床にはどう座ったらいいですか?









・・・股関節を両方開いてしまいます。 多くの方はすでに股関節開き過ぎですから、ますます開いてしまい、猫背、前肩と問題は広がります。

また、長い脚が組んだ内側に来るのもあぐらのまずいところです。 これは股関節角度の左右差が大きくなり、脚長差も大きくなるからです。


したがって、いい座り方ではありません。 骨盤の後傾はイコールO脚ですから。
体育座り 猫背 






・・・両スネが外ねじれ、両モモが内ねじれになります。 極端に進むとX脚になります。
トンビ座り 股関節痛 変形性股関節症 


・・・⑤のトンビほど極端ではありませんが、両腿の内ねじれがきつくなります。 またこの写真では、左重心になり、右腰が高くなっていますね。 そして背骨は左側弯して右肩が下がっています,
割坐 礒谷式力学療法




杉並区・西荻窪  鴨下療法所

This question is many tomes happen.

The answer is sitting right! !

I’m writing it as sitting properly, but it is just like a letter.

Let’s examine other sitting methods.

① Agula · · · I open both hip joints. Many people are already too wide of the hip, so they will open more and more, the problem is spreading with the back, the front shoulders. Longer legs can be easily assembled on the inside, so if you repeat it, the left and right difference also increases.
Also, it is not easy for Agura to come inside the long legs. This is because the difference between the left and right hip joints increases and the leg length difference also increases.

② Sports sitting · · · It is easy for the pelvis to tilt back and the back is rounded? Therefore, it is not a good way to sit. Because the backward inclination of the pelvis is equal O leg.

③ Landscape · · · Because the difference between the left and right hip joints becomes large, it is not good on either side.
When the peach is facing inwards, this picture turns to the right side, the left foot turns inward. And the opposite leg has turned out. This makes the right leg longer, making it easier for troubles such as asthma, easy to catch colds, arrhythmias, angina pectoris.

④ Sitting on a sidewalk umbrella · · · It is a state that a kitten has been added to a foot in the sideways of ③, so the left and right difference becomes Max. Outer twist of the left leg shank, inner peeling of the peach and exterior twist of the right leg peach.

⑤ Thongby sitting … Both snakes are twisted out, both peaches are twisted inside. If it goes to the extreme it will become the X leg.
Although the waist is warped and waisted towards X legs, on the contrary the legs with habit such as the middle between the O leg and the X leg where the pelvis is sleeping are increasing to young women, but when these childhood I think that the habit of sitting from and the shortage of muscular strength due to lack of exercise is a problem.

⑥ Sitting · · · It is not as extreme as the ivy of ⑤, but the inner twist of both thighs becomes tight.

Moreover, in this picture, it becomes left center of gravity, right waist is getting high. And the backbone is curved to the left side and the right shoulder is down. The difference in the way he goes out of the heels thus creates distortion in the body.

Making a correct sitting habit in childhood is really important for living a long life with health.
Also, even for adults, who is not saying something wrong with health examination etc, but something hurts, such as knees and waist, who are not feeling well, let’s fix such a way of sitting ! !

Trouble in illness and pain is felt as if it happened suddenly when a certain age came, so it is easy to be misunderstood as “because of the year”, but the madness of posture progresses little by little from the bad habits of such sitting, It felt suddenly when exceeding the capacity of the body.

Let’s have problem consciousness from how to sit normally! !
